OHSxtra - Looking after the people looking after you

Frequently Asked Questions

There are already occupational health (OH) services for NHS employees. What does OHSxtra offer?
OHSxtra provides a focussed support for your work rehabilitation through the dedicated professional who will work with you to devise your Action Plan for managing the situation, accessing the services required, co-ordinating case conferences if required, liaising and working with you and your managers if necessary, and supporting and keeping you informed throughout the process.
If I participate in OHSxtra and specialist health services are arranged for me, will I be depriving NHS patients of these services?
No. OHSxtra services are funded separately from the usual NHS services so you will not be depriving patients. We hope that OHSxtra will improve services for NHS patients by maintaining NHS staffing levels.
Will my line manager be informed of my participation in OHSxtra?
The focus of OHSxtra is to support you in your work; it may therefore be helpful to discuss your work situation with your manager. However, this would only be done when you had provided informed written consent.
Any discussions with managers will be in accordance with OHS advice currently provided to managers to allow them to do whatever is required to continue providing a service during a period of sickness absence and, also, to assist the manager to prepare for your return to the workplace or to support you in the workplace.
My manager wants to refer me to OHSxtra. Am I in trouble?
Absolutely not! Your manager should discuss referral to OHSxtra with you prior to referring you to the programme and provide you with a copy of the referral made. Your participation is voluntary and you may withdraw from using the services of OHSxtra at any stage without giving a reason. Your manager, however, may still subsequently refer you to the Occupational Health Service in the usual way if there are any concerns about your health in relation to your work. OHSxtra will support and advise both you and your manager in your current situation, in order to assist:
  • Your rehabilitation
  • Your safe and healthy return to the workplace
  • Where you give your consent, to provide your manager with relevant, non-clinical, information to assist them to manage the workload in your absence
  • To allow your manager to prepare for your safe and healthy return to the workplace with due consideration given to the advice they have received regarding this.
If my manager refers me to OHSxtra do I have to attend?
Your manager should have discussed referral to the service with you and should not refer you to it unless you agree. Although participation is voluntary, it is advisable to attend as you will be provided with support that will help you in your work. If you do not wish to attend OHSxtra your manager may still decide to refer you to the existing occupational health services as per the local management arrangements.
Can my manager refer me to OHSxtra without me knowing?
No, all managers have been given information about OHSxtra and will obtain your consent before referring you.
If I refer myself to OHSxtra, am I obligated to participate?
No, your participation is entirely voluntary. You are free to withdraw from using the services
  • At any time
  • Without having to give a reason for withdrawing
  • Without this affecting your right to use occupational health services in the future and your managers' right to refer you to OH in the future
I have referred myself to OHSxtra. What happens now?
On receipt of your referral the following will happen:
  • You will be assigned a professional who will contact you to discuss your current situation.
  • With your professionals' help you can identify problem areas such as health issues, social/personal issues and possible obstacles to a return to work.
  • You and your professional will then formulate and agree an Action Plan.
  • The professional is your dedicated contact person, who will support you throughout the process by:
    • Co-ordinating the Services/Service Providers identified in your Action Plan
    • Ensuring you get the advice, information and services you need, by maintaining frequent, good communication with all parties involved.
How long will it take for me to be seen?
We aim to contact with you within 5 working days of receiving your referral.
What services will I have access to with OHSxtra?
OHSxtra has access to a range of specialist services such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, counselling, and OH nurses and physicians. Your action plan, which you will draw up with your professional, will identify the services that could help you.
I have a colleague/friend who I think would benefit from OHSxtra. Can I refer them?
No, you can't refer them, but you can tell them about OHSxtra. Give them this website address so that they can find out more about the scheme and nominate themself.
What happens to the information I give?
All the information collected will be treated confidentially and held in your occupational health notes. The storage of all files and records is in accordance with the Data Protection Act and some data collected will be stored on computer files that are password protected. This information will form part of your existing confidential OH file held by your occupational health department, which is separate from your HR/employee file and is not accessible by your manager. It will not be put on your employee record.